Normally an evolution that can be fully described with partial differential
means that nature is "local", i.e. to describe what happens or is known
at a
certain place depends only on what happens in its immediate neighbourhood.
Still, quantum mechanics seems to imply that this is not true
in certain
situations. This leaves a tension between the basic field equations
of physics and
the idea of non-local quantum information, that has been
impossible to understand for me.
Recently David
Deutsch , a pioneer of quantum computing, argued in an interview
within Everett´s relative-state
interpretation of quantum mechanics we can:
"...blow the 'quantum non-locality' misconception clean out of the
In my mind, if true, this would be a most convincing argument
in favour of the relative-state
(or "many-worlds" MWI) interpretation.
Contrary to this view many MWI-specialists, like e.g. Hans-Dieter Zeh,
are adamant that even in the MWI
non-locality is unavoidable. I had an e-mail
discussion about these opposing views in the spring
of 2001 with Henry Stapp. I also asked David Deutsch for his standpoint
on this issue see
here for his answer. In view
of the motto of this site, it comes as no surprise that David Deutsch
likes Karl Popper.