Publications GRAAL
- M.Diaz, Collecting heat during the day, observing the sky
at night - the use of a heliostat field near Almeria to search for cosmic
gamma rays, PhD thesis, University of Heidelberg, 2002 [pdf].
- D.Martinez, Simulation of the GRAAL experiment - the plataforma
solar de Almeria as a gamma-ray telescope, PhD thesis, Univesidad
Complutense, 2001 [ps.gz]
- F.Arqueros, J.Ballestrin, M.Berenguel, D.M.Borque,E.F.Camacho,
M.Diaz, H.-J.Gebauer, R.Enriquez,R.Plaga (GRAAL coll.), Very high-energy
gamma-ray observations of the Crab nebula and other potential sources
with the GRAAL experiment,
Astroparticle Physics 17,293 (2002) [astro-ph/0108270].
- M.Diaz for the GRAAL collaboration, Very high-energy
gamma-ray observations of the Crab nebula and other potential sources with
the GRAAL experiment, submitted to Proceedings of the meeting
"Very high energy phenomena in the universe", Jan 20-27, 2001, World Scientific
- F.Arqueros et. al., The GRAAL project,
Proc. of the 26th ICRC, Vol. 5, 215 (1999) [ps]
- F.Arqueros et. al., Monte Carlo simulation for the GRAAL project,
Proc. of the 25th ICRC, Vol 5,135 (1998) [ps] .
- F.Arqueros et al., Results of the Mini-GRAAL experiment, Proc.
of the 25th ICRC, Vol.5,149 (1998) [ps]
- F.Arqueros, et a. The Mini-GRAAL project, Proc. Krueger
Park Workshop, Wesprint, Potchefstroom (1998) [ps] .